Friday, June 13, 2008

UK Builds Giant Greenhouse!

Fresh veggies all year round! Good thinking.

"On the chilly Isle of Thanet in Kent, England, farmers are placing 220 acres of land under glass so they can grow vegetables all year round. The greenhouse, when completed, will house 1.3 million plants and increase the UK's crop of green vegetables by 15%. Called Thanet Earth, the project will be a series of 7 connected grenhouses with a relatively small carbon footprint. And nothing grown inside Thanet Earth will ever touch soil."

" Says the UK Guardian:

"Growing hydroponically, in nutrient-enriched water rather than soil, allows the suspension of the crops at waist height rather than ground level, for ease of picking . . . The site's developers say they have taken steps to ensure the environmental impact, considering the scale of the operation, will be minimised. The huge reservoirs, which will capture rainwater and recycle the water in which the crops grow, will allow the site to be self-sufficient from May to September, draining nothing from the local utilities. The 32MW generated by the combined heat and power system, uploaded to the National Grid, will offset significant costs from the site, while some of the CO2 produced by the burning gas will used to enrich the glasshouse atmosphere.""


1 comment:

  1. OUTSTANDING! I was just having a conversation with my husband yesterday about growing our own veggies in a greenhouse hydro style because 1. then we don't have to worry about all this diseased food stuff and 2. being in the northeast we can grow more quicker & then can or freeze to have our foods year round.

    Good to see it in place somewhere so I can now say "see, told ya"


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