Monday, December 15, 2008

Goodfella's Safety Razor Lasts Forever!

Here at SuperForest we have a great love for heirloom quality objects and tools. "Heirloom Quality" means that once you buy something you could conceivably use it your whole life long, then pass it on to your heirs, who pass it on to their heirs, who pass it on... etc. etc.

The Goodfellas Chrome Safety Razor is just such a thing!

"The Goodfella® razor’s understated elegance is purely classic in appearance. Goodfella® has orchestrated computer-aided design and modern materials to create a product of today’s technology. Each part is produced and hand finished by goodfella’s skilled team who are passionate about their trades. that passion sustains goodfella’s lifetime guarantee.

Used daily by goodfellas, with a lifetime guarantee, it’s the only razor you need to buy."
Old-school chic!

One single replaceable blade (easily recycled) and a lifetime warranty!

Want one? Here's the Goodfella's site.


Here's a SuperForest piece from last year called Eco-Math about disposable razors.

When you think about it, it's hardly expensive when you've only got to buy one once.
Much love!



  1. This is surely a swell idea, but what about turning to vintage straight razors? Or what about not shaving? Beards seem to be back, here in Berkeley.

    Disposable culture is indeed alarmingly polluting, and I suppose a good strategy is to have a diversity of options for reusable tools. Many will look at the current heirloom razors from their grandparents and vintage merchants and decline to use them for some unrealistic fear. But nevertheless, new consumption is still new consumption, even if it is the final razor you will ever buy.

  2. An excellent point!
    Why buy new when the original razors are still good?

    I believe in this case, the craftsmanship and attention put into the creation of the Goodfellas razor would warrant the purchase. That, the cheeky flavor of their website, and the lifetime warranty totally did it for me.

    One wonders what The Sharper Image would be like filled with only heirloom quality gadgets?

    Thank you for commenting.

  3. Great idea. Timing for me is good, my wife was just encouraging me to find an alternative to disposable razors. I don't think I will be going with the option from NZ.
    Since I am an outspoken advocate of local shopping when ever possible I have asked my neighbor who owns a hair salon if she can find me a safety razor shaving kit.
    Thanks for the final push I needed to give up my plastic razors.


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-Team SuperForest