Netbuzz writes:
"A major milestone was reached today, according to communications industry analysts: there are now some 3.3 billion mobile phone accounts worldwide. Of course, it doesn't really mean half the world's population has a cell phone, since users in 59 countries average more than one per person. '"The mobile industry has constantly outperformed even the most optimistic forecasts for subscriber growth," Mark Newman, head of research at Informa said in a statement. "For children growing up today the issue is not whether they will get a mobile phone, it's a question of when," Newman said. In recent years the industry has seen surging growth in outskirts of China and India, helped by constantly falling phone and call prices, with cellphone vendors already eyeing inroads into Africa's countryside to keep up the growth.'"
3.3 BILLION mobile phone accounts!
That is a staggering sign of the potential for inter-human connectivity.
Just think: What if you had friends in an unstable country (think Sudan, Iraq, Afghanistan.) What if those friends could call you and beg for help when they were in danger? Describe their attackers? Name their oppressors? Give you their locations? Wouldn't that do a lot more to stem the tide of international genocide than an ad campaign?
With greater communication comes a greater sense of personal responsibility among the communicators. To communicate means to look out for one another, to help, to give solace.
I am filled with hope and optimism.

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