This here is my dog, Baloo. Argued by many to be one of the greatest chihuahua/fruit bat mutts EVER.
Yes, he's a great dog for a number of reasons, but the one I want to talk about today is his special walkies trick.
You see, Baloo can poop on command.
It has taken many moons to teach him this, but teach him I did, and it makes me really happy on cold, windy days.
Here's how I did it:
Okay, if you've got a dog, then undoubtedly when they "go" outside, you praise and encourage them. Perfect. If you already do this, then step one is basically complete.
Step two: Linking.
So, doggy goes poop, you say "good doggy," doggy is happy knowing he's done well.
Now we simply link that behavior and praise with another stimulus.
What stimulus to use?
Well, every time I walk Baloo, I carry with me spare plastic bags.
These will provide the stimulus.
From now on, when you walk your dog, as soon as they begin "spinning" i.e. they're moments away from "letting loose", quickly get out the plastic bag and begin crinkling it between your hands. It will make a rustling noise.
As your dog starts "pooping", continue crinkling the bag and saying "Good boy, good girl! So smart! Pooping outside like a genius dog!"
Consistency is the key here.
Accompany their "movements" with bag crinkling and praise, and watch as your dog begins to link the sound of the crinkling bag with the good feeling that accompanies getting praised AND "dropping kids off at the pool".
Now on days when I don't really want to be outside, I walk Baloo to an appropriate spot, crinkle up a bag, and blammy! Boom goes the "dynamite."
It's very simple really, but it can make life that much easier. Especially for us city folk, where time is at a premium and the weather can be brutal.

I hope this tip helps. If it does, do be so good as to tell me all about it:
Pets are great, adopt one today.
All my love and happy Monday!
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