SuperForester Jon sent us word over the weekend of something great. Thanks to Jon and inhabitat for the tip!
This little beauty is the Zero House from Specht Harpman, a New York and Austin based architecture firm.
So, you order the Zero House, it gets assembled in a day. Yes, one day.
As soon as it is put together, the Zero House instantly goes to work for you. It generates its own power via high-efficiency solar panels on the roof. It collects and stores rainwater for drinking, bathing, and washing up. Finally, it stores and composts all of its waste, delivering two loads of rich fertile compost per year for your gardening pleasure.
Best of all? All of the systems contained within the Zero House are customizable and communicate directly with your PC. So you can monitor and adjust anything from your living room with your MacBook.
It's basically a living thing. Ooooh! That's a good slogan!
Zero House: "It's a Living Thing."
Get it? Cause it's for living in, but it's almost alive?

Ladies and Gentlemen, the gauntlet has been thrown down.
All homes in the future must be self-sustaining, and the Zero House shows us that sustainability and sleek modern design are not exclusive, they are inevitable. Now we want Zero Car, Zero cellphone, Zero Television, Zero Hotel, Zero Breakfast, Zero Magazine, Zero Happy Meal, Zero Movie Theater.
Call Specht Harpman:
338 West 39th Street
New York, New York 10018
Beg them for a Zero House of your own.
Love to all,
Team SuperForest