Yeah, we have original ideas, but when you find something as cool as the Net Granny post on the Gravel & Gold blog, all you can really do is quote, quote, quote.
Take it, Mama Cass!:
"When we were first preparing to open the shop, the Ladies and I compiled a big list of items that we had always imagined carrying in some shop we owned, sometime down the line, somewhere in the world. And, lo and behold, many items from that first brainstorm did indeed make their way to our shelves — Mimi bags from London, 5-Year Diaries like the one Lisa has been keeping for a while now, Medimix soap just like they have in all the hostels in India.
One fantastic item idea on that list that remains totally shop-worthy, but is unlikely to ever make the cut, is to carry hand-knit socks made to order by the Swiss granny of your choice. That’s right. You go on to NetGranny, select a granny from their stable of fierce granny knitters, select a color and size, and a few weeks later, your very own pair of custom sockies arrive in the mail. Brill!
For those of us bereft of grandmas, or those whose grandma was always way more into needlepoint than knitting, it’s a dream come true. Plus, you’re supporting a group of women who might otherwise have a tough time picking up some extra work and who, by the look of their photos, seem real stoked to spread the warm, wooly love far and wide. Good news for these chilly July nights in SF.
***Update***It seems the grannies are taking their well-deserved summer break, in a land where summer does mean fewer opportunities for wooly socks. Well then. Look for them this fall!"
Net Granny rules. What a great idea! We can't wait 'til they end their Summer break so we can haunt the sockenshop. Sockenshop. German is hilarious.
Team SuperForestsockenshop!
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