Thursday, August 7, 2008

Clivus Multrum Ad Idea

(click image to embiggen and sharpen)

Hello All,

Since Julius got the day started off with his "S**t Box" post, I thought it only appropriate to post about something very dear to my heart, and that is clean water.

Every day, Americans flush away approximately three billion gallons (!) of drinkable water, all of it quite contaminated with our "additions." Removing these additions take an extraordinary amount of work and energy, energy that could be put to better uses.

Imagine a toilet that used little to no water and whose only output was compost and you've got a Clivus Multrum.

From wikipedia:

"A composting toilet is any system that converts human waste into an organic compost and usable soil, through the natural breakdown of organic matter into its essential minerals. Micro and macro organisms do this over time, working through various stages of oxidation and sometimes localized pockets of anaerobic breakdown.

The first prototype was first built in 1939 in Tyresö, Sweden by art teacher Rikard Lindström, who owned a property on the Baltic Sea in Stockholm, Sweden. Lindström built a single chamber concrete tank, with sloped bottom and chimney, for disposal of kitchen and toilet waste.

What's not to love, right? It looks and functions just like a normal toilet, and it keeps waste out of our water and gives valuable nutrients back to the land.

Sadly, the Clivus marketing and branding is a little lacking. So I thought I'd ratchet it up a notch with the above ad idea.

The meme is this: All water is drinking water.

To put waste (of any kind) in water is an unsustainable idea. The Clivus makes it easy to live your life normally while greatly reducing your impact and increasing sustainability.

Everyone we know who has a Clivus raves about it.

If you are thinking of building a house, apartment, or any structure that requires a toilet, why not consider a Clivus?

Thoughts? Comments? Suggestions?

Love to All,


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