Thursday, August 21, 2008

G Diapers, the modern answer to disposables!?!

Good Afternoon,

I've been thinking about this post and diapering, in general, for a long time now. To be honest, when my son was born, I was not ready to start thinking about cloth diapering. I knew it was probably the right thing to do and I have been feeling guilty about using disposable diapers for the last year. But why should I feel guilty? Really, I should. If you saw how many dirty diapers one child can produce in a week (let alone, a year), it makes you wonder why anyone is still using disposables, knowing what we know about landfills. I always rationalized what I was doing with the common excuses, "At least I'm using Seventh Generation diapers that are chlorine-free" or "I'm a new mom, I have a lot of things to deal with right now".
For the past few months, I've been doing some research to try and figure out what would make the most sense for us. We live in NYC and I don't have a washer/dryer in my apt. The thought of using cloth diapers and doing laundry every two days, still seems a little overwhelming. Yes, there are diapering services. That is an option that I may still look into. I can go on and on about the pros and cons of all the different ways to catch poo, but let me focus on what I have just tried: G Diapers.
Here's the low down: They are marketed as somewhere in between cloth and disposable. They are made of 3 parts: A cotton cover, a waterproof snap-in liner and a flushable insert. The plastic-free insert can be tossed, flushed or composted. Whichever way you choose to dispose of it, our environment is definitely better off. If you can compost it-it will break down in 50-100 days. Check out their cool video showing the different diapers breaking down (or not breaking down!).

So, here's some great news-If you live in NYC, I went to the Union Square Market yesterday, where there is a compost drop off, and they will accept the wet diapers! I just need to keep them separate from food scraps (and not use diaper cream with zinc or the poopy diapers). How awesome!
Some people have issues with their septics, but I live in a big building and the flushing has been no problem--totally easy! To be honest, I haven't completely switched over. Sleeping through the night and staying dry is not something I'm ready to mess with, but I will soon and I do believe that every little bit helps.
Let's face it, disposables are easy. I am always in a park, or on the go somewhere and disposables make life easier. But, G diapers are pretty easy too. I think there is a learning curve with getting the fit right and making sure the 3 parts are all where they should be, but I'm willing to figure it out. They are Cradle to Cradle Certified and they are trying to revolutionize the way we are dealing with poo!
Two thumbs up to G diapers! If you have a little one and have been hesitant to making the switch, try their starter kits-It is a great way to test them out!
Happy Diapering!

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