Wednesday, August 20, 2008

NY Times: Bloomberg Offers Windmill Plan

We heard it said beautifully by T. Boone Pickens the other day. He said: "A fool with a plan will always beat a genius with no plan."

We think Mayor Bloomberg's plan to dot the island of Manhattan with windmills is anything but foolish. We think it's downright outstanding.

"In a plan that would drastically remake New York City’s skyline and shores, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg is seeking to put wind turbines on the city’s bridges and skyscrapers and in its waters as part of a wide-ranging push to develop renewable energy.

The plan, while still in its early stages, appears to be the boldest environmental proposal to date from the mayor, who has made energy efficiency a cornerstone of his administration."


Answer one question honestly: What bothers you more? Windmills in view or your country helpless without imported oil?

We're going with: Country helpless without imported oil.

Yeah, the thought of the USA gasping to a halt without oil kinds of puts a burr under our saddle.

So we undertake the incredible task of decentralizing. State by state, house by house.

We'd love to see this plan become a reality.

Go Bloomie!

NY Times: Bloomberg Offers Windmill Plan

Thanks to SuperForester Jon for sending us word of our Sustain-o-Mayor's grand idea.

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