Sunday, August 10, 2008


The beach. Who doesn't love it? A breeze, nice waves, some sun. Three ingredients for a perfect day. The Dutch artist Theo Jansen probably loves the beach too. Since he created a new "lifeform" on it.

He himself calls it a new lifeform, the rest of the world calls it art. I'm talking about Jansen's art project named Strandbeest (Dutch for 'beach animal'). The project features numerous 'kinetic sculptures' like the one above. In short it's a sculpture which can move, in this case it uses the wind.

Seeing such a 'creature' move is pretty fun. Take a look at Jansen's TED talk:

It made me laugh. I thought it was pretty impressive. Wooden creatures that change their walking direction when they get in touch with the water.



  1. haha this was really cool. In the video's thumbnail theo looks a bit like henry winkler. EYY!


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