Friday, August 29, 2008

These Bees can dance!

Good Morning!

This is such a great viral campaign that Haagen Dazs is running to help save the bees.

The video is really funny--check it:

Why is Haagen Dazs supporting saving the bees, you ask? 

Because 1/3 of all the foods we eat are pollinated by bees, including many of the natural flavors in Haagen Dazs's ice creams.  Their site, is really well done. Simple and informative. They have done a great job at presenting a serious issue in a way that is full of humor and entertainment, making it palpable to millions of people. 

Way to go Haagen Dazs! 

And many thanks to the great SwissMiss for making my morning!

Happy Friday!


1 comment:

  1. loving the dance moves...

    unfortunately Colony Collapse Dis-order is a serious problem, as mentioned above, aside from no more delicious pricey ice cream, we stand to see a decline in produce i.e. actual food-so forget the ice cream!

    It seems not only do we intervene (for profit)in their highly organized and specialized infrastructure, we expose them to huge amounts of pesticides, move them around from orchard to orchard, and in addition from their free pollination services we take their hard earned honey. Scientists are being given numerous grants to find what is causing the "dis-order". But what many advocates are simply saying is that the bees are stressed, disoriented, dis-eased, and intoxicated. So it is no surprise why their colonies are collapsing.

    but this is just the tip of the iceberg... and no one really knows what it is for certain, hence all the research.

    for more info visit the following:

    and Burt's Bees is doing something similar.

    didn't mean to rain on the parade... the dancing was indeed funny.



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-Team SuperForest