Monday, September 1, 2008

The amazing Mr. Donnachadh McCarthy

This is Mr. Donnachadh McCarthy. A citizen of London who is engaged with the environment. Not just for a bit. McCarthy wrote multiple books on how you can be more sustainable yourself and related topics.

Now, I fancy architectural projects that feature houses that are sustainable, make their own energy and such. Which is good obviously, but what do we do with all those old unsustainable, energy consuming houses dating from the 19th century or maybe even earlier?

This is where McCarthy comes in. He lives in a house built in the 1840's down in the South of London. And as an awesome SmartPlanet feature illustrates he managed to make it fully sustainable! McCarthy did this in multiple ways. He for example burns wood for heating which he uses for his home but also to boil water in a kettle he got on eBay.

My favorite green application used in McCarthy's home is the rain barrel he's got on his roof. Thanks to the force of gravity the rain that's collected in it directly fills the sink of his toilet after every flush. And as a bonus the barrel is also connected to a small tap inside his home. Where you can tap fresh rain water (not to drink of course) but for purposes like watering plants.

Donnachadh McCarthy is an admirable man which could be an example for all of us. Check here for a comprehensive overview of the things he did to make his house greener.


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