Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Trash Collector

I just found this on, and it takes recycling to a whole new level:

Emmy Winning Los Angeles cameraman Dave Chameides (or "Sustainable Dave", as he's deemed himself) decided last year to reduce his environmental footprint by keeping his garbage for a year... in his basement! Dave's goal, in his own words: "

"I came to the realization that if we were all accountable for our waste, if we couldn’t simply make it disappear, we’d have to deal with some pretty ugly truths about the way we live. And in so doing, it would cause us to start making better decisions about what we buy, where we buy, and what’s left over."

It's a very simple, but powerful idea, literally putting yourself face-to-face with your own waste and impact on the planet. And while Dave's may seem a radical statement or lifestyle, imagine if everyone in the world were forced to be fully responsible for their own waste. How would the visual and tactile realities of our own self-landfills, change the way we interact with our world? I know just looking at my overflowing plastic bin is tremendous personal motivation to both get off my lazy bum and recycle, as well as to reuse or reduce my waste.

So way to go Dave, raising sustainabilty awareness by boldly going where few other humans (or even eco-activists), dare to go!

And check out his blog: 365daysoftrash for great ideas and solutions for how to lower your own waste footprint. Dave started Dec 31st, 2007 and is currently on Day 274 (for the record, that's not Dave in the picture)

1 comment:

  1. What a great project, a first step into self sufficiency and self sustainability.

    “If you wish to astonish the whole world, tell the simple truth."- Rahel


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