Iman here with another amazing short film to share with you all. I am proud to present you with: VALIDATION.
So you, yes you, although I may not know you personally, although I cannot look you in the eyes and tell you this: YOU are GREAT! YOU are AMAZING! You can change the world...even with a smile.
So show off that beautiful smile and help others do the same. Print out this simple reminder and pass it on:

That just made my day! It's about time everyone passes a smile! How absolutely lovely! :D
SuperForest is amazing and beautiful!
Have a bright smiley day!
I LOVED this.
Thanks, Imanza.
Yeah, that totally made me feel amazing.
I actually got a bit choked up at the end, there. (Deep breath.)
this is GREAT.
this is AMAZING!
reminds me of a favorite quotation, from Thich Nhat Hanh, "If in our daily life we can smile, if we can be peaceful and happy, not only we, but everyone will profit from it. This is the most basic kind of peace work."
I'm so glad you all liked it!
Yes, Iman the film even made me shed a few tears of joy near the end. So uplifting. So inspiring. LOVED IT!!!
Oh and the awesome SF Validation Card...I will most definitely be forwarding that image like it's hot.
i have the biggest smile on my face right now, GOD! i wanna travel the world with the man i love and get our pictures taken ^_^ this was so great of you to post, you're awesome iman. god bless you :)
Oh wow! That video is awesome.
Thanks Iman, thank you SuperForest. You're all amazing!:D
That's my desire, as the song said:-)
I love the video, better say the short movie, really.....
It was great, it was amazing:-)
I'll spread the word...
Thanx SF to let us know about it and to remind us that a smile can save the world:-DLet's think twice, folks:-) And let's smile more and more....
I leave to start my day with a smile! I will share this with a stack of people. Thank you so much Imanza!
This is the best thing I could have seen to start of a Monday morning. Thank you so much for this post, Iman. YOU are great. YOU are amazing!
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