Okay, I have two very important names for you to remember:
Dongtan and Masdar.
What are Dongtan and Masdar?
Our planets first two eco-cities. That's right, carbon neutral, energy EXporting, green cities. Right here on planet Earth.
Dongtan is in China, while Masdar is near Abu Dhabi in the UAE.
This is such an exciting time to be alive! The end of the fossil fuel era! The dawn of the Solar-Electric era!
Living today is like living at the dawn of the Industrial Revolution, but with better hair and less cholera.
No, I'm serious. With the rapidly evolving Global conciousness, and the incredibly exciting work being done with DNA and stem cells, plus the commercial exploration of space, the Earth is like San Fran at the start of the Gold Rush.
Alright, I'm mixing my metaphors here, but in ten years time you could move to and reside in a city that consumed no external power, had no waste, a city powered solely by the sun.
Life is sweet.

The Masdar Energy Co's site

The Dongtan Dev. site
Wiki: Dongtan
treehugger article on Dongtan.
treehugger article on Masdar.
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