From the New York Times
Let get together on this one. We know there's big money to be made in prolonging the end of fossil fuels, we know that.
It's just that, every time I walk down the street and all I can smell is car exhaust, and I happen to think about how our cars mpg's have actually gone DOWN in the last hundred years, and then come home and read about The House or the Senate shooting down some bill to make cleaner cars, and ensure cleaner air, that's when I think: Thank heavens I live in New York and can enjoy this city's incredible public transportation!
You can fight against progress, or you can work for it.
Higher mpg's and cleaner air is progress.
Shooting down bills that would ensure those things is not progress.
It's Congress! (Sorry, I couldn't resist.)
So when you see things like this, down let it get you down, just go online and check out the specs on the Aptera, or read about Japan's Mag-Lev trains, or about Amsterdam's awesome public bicycle system.
Then think to yourself: "We should have all of those things here! We deserve the best and brightest. We deserve the cleanest, and fastest, and smartest!
We deserve these things because: We're America! Land of the free! Home of the brave! Defender of Liberty! Give us your poor, your tired, your huddled masses!
There's opportunity for all here in this great land of ours!"
Little by little, we scrape off the dead skin and emerge fresh, bright, and renewed.

Look out for one another. Keep each other safe.
Love to all,
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