What up,
West Virginia?
Above is a screengrab from SuperForest's analytics page. SuperForest is read by folks all over the world and in every single state in the Union, with one exception.
West Virginia.
We must share the good news with West Virginia.
Seriously, our readership is
53 times higher in Malaysia than it is is West Virginia.
Our West Virginian cousins are missing out.
So, we hereby announce the beginning of Operation West Virginia!
What do you have to do to participate?
Tell someone, anyone, in West Virginia about SuperForest.
I just did. It went like this:
First, I wanted to insure that my message was received, so I googled "Vegan food West Virginia"
This lead me to the address and phone number of
Mountain People's Kitchen in Morgantown, West Virginia. (304) 291-6131.
(Ring. Ring.)
Woman: "Hello, Mountain People's Kitchen?"
Me: "Hi, do you guys have a computer with internet access? Not for customers, but for you working at the store?"
W: "No."
M: "Do you have it at home?"
W: "No."
M: "So you don't have internet access at all?"
W: "Not poor people like me. Some folks have Comcast."
M: "So you don't email?"
W: "I have email, but I don't use it."
M: "So what if someone wanted to get in touch with you and tell you about something amazing?"
W: "They'd have to call me."
M: "Great, well I wanted to tell you about this amazing website. It's called SuperForest.org. Super, like superman, and forest, like trees."
W: "Oh yeah?"
M: "Yeah, it's really great. It's all about positivity and sustainability."
W: "Hmmm."
M: "Yeah, check it out if you get a chance. SuperForest.org."
W: "I will. If I can steal a signal, I will."
M: "Oh wait, you know what the best part is?"
W: "What?"
M: "There's no advertising. No banners or pop-ups."
W: "I'll check it out."
M: "Awesome! What's your name?"
W: "Ashley."
M: "Thanks Ashley. Have a great day."
Ashley: "You too."
See! That was easy.
Ashley at the Mountain People's Kitchen was very nice and managed to sound genuinely sort of enthusiastic, which is way more than I was hoping for.
Tell someone in W.V. about SuperForest.
Tell 'em that the Malaysians are getting all the good info first!
Jackson & Team SuperForest