Tuesday, August 19, 2008

"P" is for Peace

Hello All,

Jackson here. So lately, we've been talking about Peace iconography and Peace branding.
I've been talking to people, sketching out ideas, and not really getting anywhere.

Then I remembered that great thing John Lennon said in "I Met the Walrus." How you can only counter violence and violent thought with humor and compassion.

I'm trying the humor route first, as for me it's the easiest.
For this exercise, I have but two goals:

Make you stop and look.
Get you to remember.

Here is "P" is for Peace.

I hope you like it. I'd love to hear thoughts and feedback, and as always, if you'd like to use the image, shoot us an email at superforestnyc@gmail.com. The same goes for any image on this site that I've done. You wantz, you can has de imagez)

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