Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Homes for Our Troops

Happy Veterans Day!

As most of you know, today is the anniversary of the day World War I came to an end when the Allies and Germany signed an armistice in 1918.

One thing that makes my veterans day a bit happier is seeing amazing organizations put in action. Throughout the entire election campaign, I frequently heard the phrase “We support our troops”. It’s a lovely phrase to be sure, however upon hearing this I stopped and asked myself what exactly are we doing to support our troops in our day to day lives? As I walk around the campus of my University it is very difficult to tell we are in the middle of fighting two wars. As a result, I have noticed that it is one thing to say we support our troops but it is something entirely different to actually do something about it.

John S. Gonsalves is a man of action. He is the president and founder of an organization called “Homes for Our Troops”. I first heard about Homes for our Troops on CNN’s AC 360 and afterwards I just had to check out their website for myself. I learned that Homes for Our Troops is a non-partisan, non-profit organization that provides specially adapted homes for our severely injured service members. Through their growing network of monetary contributions, donations from building contractors, suppliers, corporate supporters and local volunteers, the organization is able to provide assistance at no cost to the veterans that they serve. Amazing!

Homes for Our Troops has already built over 30 homes throughout the country and just when you thought this program couldn’t get any better, it does. They are also a member of the U.S. Green Building Council.

A big thank you from SuperForest to all of the troops and veterans who have served and continue to serve our country and a big thanks to the people out there like John Gonsalves who are making such a huge impact in their lives. To donate to the organization, or learn more about the program in general, click here.

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